Program Details

Goal of the Program

The goal of KiDSMARATHON is to lay the foundation for a lifelong commitment to good health and fitness habits.  We do this by educating KiDS about exercise and nutrition, empowering them to take their health into their own hands, and inspiring them with visits from running champions.

How is the Program Facilitated?

Representatives from your child’s school or youth organization will assume the role of coach / supervisor for the KiDSMARATHON program.  Prior to program kick-off, each representative will be given a coach’s manual with instructions on how to run a successful program.  An outline for each day’s required activities, as well as a suggested informational clinic for each week will be included.

These representatives communicate directly with KiDSMARATHON staff, who ensure delivery of all training supplies as well as coordination of school visits by KiDSMARATHON representatives.  Founder Rod Dixon, Olympic Medalist and Winner of the 1983 New York Marathon, will visit multiple training locations for motivation and inspiration.

What Does the Program Consist of?

Once the 8-10 week program begins, your child will meet 3-4 times per week for a group exercise session, supervised by his or her coach / supervisor.  On an average day, KiDS will participate in the following activities:

  • A proper warm-up
  • Complete the required distance by running or walking (between 1 – 2 kilometers / day)
  • Participate in running drills and games
  • Participate in a cool-down activity
  • Hear a short clinic on a running or health-related topic.

KiDSMARATHON Training Guide

An essential part of the program is the wonderful training guide containing a wealth of information and motivation from Olympic Medal winners, World Record holders, and other world-leading specialists in the fields of Diet and Nutrition, Physiology, and Coaching.  The total knowledge of the many experienced people directly involved with this program may be equaled, but not surpassed by any program in the world.  Best of all, the information is delivered in a way that KiDS can understand and enjoy.  The majority of our participants will also have the unique opportunity to learn many great lessons from the legends themselves, as Rod Dixon and friends visit various KiDSMARATHON training sites.

Earn a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award! When you follow this training guide and are active a total of 60 minutes a day, at least 5 days a week, for 6 out of 8 weeks, you can earn a Presidential Active Lifestyle Award!

Check out for more information.