The KiDSMARATHON program is an eight to ten week “In School” running and nutrition educational program that enable the kids to complete a full marathon (26.2 miles) by running approximately 3 miles per week.
Throughout the program, the kids learn the value of good exercise and nutrition habits for healthy living and, best of all, they have fun! Don’t just take our word for it, watch and listen to what the kids have to say!
KiDS at 32nd St. School share their tips for a successful final mile at Dodger’s Stadium
The KiDSMARATHON Foundation is a California Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation, and people like Rod Dixon and other Olympic Medalists give their time to help and inspire the kids. If you would like to help, please consider donating to the cause, by clicking here or selecting DONATE from the menu.
Dear Friends,
There is nothing more important than the health of young kids around the world. I hope you will join us in encouraging all kids to be active and to make healthy choices in their daily life. Together we can do something great.
Nga Kaha a Kaioma,
(The Strengths of the Runner)

KiDS Zone

So what do the KiDS think?
Our program makes a difference. But don’t just take our word for it! KiDSMARATHON KiDS have blessed us by drawing pictures of what KiDSMARATHON means to them. Let them show you in their own words (or scribbles).
New York City Marathon
It’s not just the KIDS! We are pleased that volunteer runners help the Foundation by supporting us and running at the NYCM. Read some of their stories here.